The Spaghetti Squash Experiment

I’m fairly lazy. Actually, really lazy when it comes to my personal life. My apartment is never actually completely clean, things remain in piles for weeks at a time. It’s also displayed in my empty walls, even though I’ve had plenty of free time this past month, I just haven’t gotten myself to get up and hang the darn picture frames. I’m also INCREDIBLY lazy when it comes to cooking.

IMG_3063I eat the same things all the time; breakfast is cereal or oatmeal and a banana, lunch is a quick sandwich, a bag of carrots, celery, and a cookie or something else sweet. Dinner is chicken breast – lathered in either BBQ sauce, salad dressing, or nothing at all to top a salad down the road. I especially love crockpots, and you can quickly guess why. I read recipes from Pinterest all the time, thinking that maybe one day I’ll finally make something a little bit different, or that involves more ingredients than just chicken and BBQ sauce, but I never do it.

Last week, I saw spaghetti squash at the grocery store, and impulsively bought it. I brought it home and looked for ways to prepare it, but everything mentioned 30 minute long cook times, and ingredients I didn’t own (parmesan cheese, as an example. I buy food on a need-to-eat basis, which doesn’t yield much culinary creativity). Ugh.

So, I bit the bullet and went back to the store to buy foods that I know I wouldn’t re-use in the future. Ricotta cheese? No thanks. But, the recipe sounded good so I went for it.

I don’t need to go into the grand details of me cooking this spaghetti squash, but in the end, I was proud of myself for doing it, as silly as that sounds. I’ve been living on my own for over a year, and there is still a lot for me to learn and adjust to. Hopefully, I’ll make a better habit of trying out new recipes on my own, even if they take more than 10 minutes to make.

If you’re interested in the recipe, it’s right here, or on my pinboard.

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